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ToolsPedia is the Best & Fastest Growing AI tools Directory & Database.
Last Updated: 03 February, 2024
We have 😮 8k+ visitors and 13K+ pageviews in the last 7 days. Numbers are increasing 🚀 super fast every moment!
👉 Here is the way you can work with us:
Get Featured on the TOP 3 places for 7 days - ($299 USD)
This is the best deal; no one will sponsor your tool to be featured in three places simultaneously for 7 days. With us, your tool is everywhere on the TOP for full 7 days with an blue border around it and “FEATURED TOOL” text on the card + “EDITOR’S CHOICE BADGE” (Bonus)
Top 3 places are:
  • Your tool will be prominently displayed on top of the 3 places for a full seven days.
  • If your tool is very similar to one already on the homepage, we kindly request that you wait.
  • Please note that all requests for sponsorship are subject to our approval.
1. Home Page Example
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2. Single Page Example
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3. Category Archive Example
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