Transform text into engaging videos with AI voices.
Chat with any PDF files for free using AI
Scrape and Monitor Data from Any Website.
MagicForm Hire-ChatGPT-To-Sell-Your-Product


5/5 - (118 votes)

MagicForm is an AI-powered conversational platform that trains an AI employee to convert website visitors into customers through 24/7 live chat in 100+ languages.

Key Features and Advantages include:

  • Powered by GPT-4
  • Available in 100+ different languages
  • Super easy to train AI
  • Increase your conversions by 20-40%

How it works: 3 easy steps, train your newest AI employee.

  1. Train your AI: Answer a few questions, upload documents, and let the AI scan your website to train it.
  2. Paste code: Deploy it on your website with just one line of code.
  3. Watch it sell: Sit back and let it work for you by selling your product to website visitors and placing qualified leads in your CRM.

MagicForm Use Cases:

  • Website owners: Improve visitor engagement, increase conversions
  • Sales and marketing teams: Gain valuable customer insights to enhance strategies
  • Customer support: Provide personalized and accurate responses to inquiries

MagicForm provides a powerful and easy-to-set-up solution that enhances customer engagement and boosts conversions

#low code no code #sales

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