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AI-Quiz-Generator-in-PowerPoint-ClassPoint AI

ClassPoint AI

5/5 - (18 votes)

ClassPoint AI is an AI Quiz Generator that generates quiz questions from PowerPoint slides, enhancing presentations and promoting interactive learning experiences. With advanced AI technology, it analyzes slide content and creates thought-provoking questions in seconds.

It offers flexible quiz customization with multiple question types and supports Bloom’s Taxonomy Levels for tailored cognitive complexity. ClassPoint AI also bridges the language gap by supporting multiple languages.

Key features of ClassPoint AI:
  • Question Generation from PowerPoint Slides
  • Advanced AI Technology
  • Diverse Question Types
  • Bloom’s Taxonomy Levels Integration
  • Multi-language Support

Overall, ClassPoint AI revolutionizes presentations by effortlessly generating captivating questions from PowerPoint slides, enhancing engagement and interactivity in education.

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