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ToolsPedia editorial team has reviewed this tool in depth and found it exceptional.



5/5 - (45 votes)

AI-HELPER is a revolutionary tool designed to enhance productivity and streamline various tasks with its multifaceted capabilities.

This powerful AI assistant is not just a free AI content generator; it’s a comprehensive solution for a myriad of functions.

With 3x improved productivity, It enables users to effortlessly generate high-quality content, write code and Excel formulas, rewrite text, conduct research, summarize information, and much more.

Compatible with both macOS and Windows, it offers a user-friendly experience, making it accessible to a broad audience.

Key Features:

  • Versatility: It caters to diverse needs, from content generation to code writing.
  • Compatibility: Seamlessly integrates with both macOS and Windows operating systems.
  • Ownership: Users enjoy 100% ownership and source code control, allowing for modification, redistribution, or resale.
  • Ease of Use: Initiate the AI-HELPER by typing “help:” followed by your query, concluding with a semicolon.
  • One-time Purchase: No subscription required; a single purchase grants access to all future updates.
  • Entrepreneurial Opportunity: Users can start their own AI startup, with the ability to resell at any price.

Use Cases:

  • Content Generation: Craft high-quality content effortlessly.
  • Code and Formula Writing: Accelerate coding and automate Excel formula generation.
  • Rewriting: Easily rewrite text for various purposes.
  • Research Assistance: Access valuable information quickly.
  • Summarization: Condense lengthy texts without compromising essential details.

How to use AI-Helper:

You can harness its power in just two simple steps.

Step 1: Install Begin by installing AI-Helper on your system. This quick installation process sets the stage for accessing a range of powerful features. Once installed, you’re ready to move on to the next step.

Step 2: Find ChatGPT API KEY After installation, locate your ChatGPT API key. This key is the gateway to unlocking the diverse functionalities of AI-Helper. Once you have your API key, you’re all set to start utilizing the AI-Helper to its full potential.

Now, armed with AI-Helper and your API key, you can simply type “help:” followed by your query and conclude it with a semicolon. AI-Helper will then promptly assist you with your request, whether it’s generating content, writing code, or any other task you have in mind. Enjoy the efficiency and productivity boost that AI-Helper brings to your daily tasks.

AI-HELPER Alternatives:

  1. AI Magicx – Free AI Article Writer And AI Content Creation
  2. AI Perfect Assistant – Microsoft Office 365 applications
  3. Rewriteme AI – Fast Blog Post Rewriting
  4. CodingDrills AI – Boost Your Coding Skills with Ada’s Help
  5. God Mode AI – Free Access to Auto GPT & More

Final Thoughts:

AI-HELPER emerges as a game-changer, not only saving 1 to 2 hours per day but also opening avenues for users to delve into new realms of knowledge.

Its unmatched versatility and ownership model empower users to make the most of this tool, making it an indispensable asset for anyone seeking efficiency and innovation in their daily tasks.

As an affordable and accessible solution, It provides a gateway to enhanced productivity and endless possibilities.

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